Networking and LinkedIn - OPCD - University of Dallas

Networking and LinkedIn



What is networking?

网络是与人们建立关系以交换信息和发展 professionally. 你的职业关系网可以包括你的朋友、同学、教授、 同事,主管,甚至你的家人,朋友或邻居. Don't 忘记你在特拉华大学的职业顾问也在你的专业网络中!

Why network?

当你开始寻找机会时,你的职业关系网可以帮你找到 机会会告诉你去哪里找,或者当他们看到新的东西时提醒你 opportunities. Your network can even vouch for you when you apply. 

Use LinkedIn when you network.

  • LinkedIn is like social media but for professionals! You can connect with people, 找到工作/实习机会并申请,找到特拉华大学校友等等.

  • Fill out your profile as completely as you can. Ask your career advisor to help you or to provide you with recommendations for improvement.

  • 标题:陈述你的目标、职业兴趣、亮点和/或成就.

  • Photo: Use a professional headshot that shows your face clearly.

  • 按行业、职位、地点、学校等搜索工作或人脉. 

  • Message people! Don’t be shy about reaching out.

  • Follow up if you haven't heard anything (roughly 2 weeks).

Job Fairs

  • 研究——调查你感兴趣的公司,不要忽视那些不在名单上的公司 your field. 

  • 电梯演讲——根据行业提供的工作/实习机会定制你的演讲. 

  • 问问题——问一些在网站上找不到的东西. 

  • Smile! - Maintain eye contact and smile. This will communicate that you are engaged and interested. 

How to Write an Elevator Pitch

  • 电梯游说应该概括你是谁,你能提供什么和什么 your goals or interests are. It should be brief - imagine that you’re on a quick elevator 骑着车,只有几秒钟的时间告诉别人你是怎么回事.

  • Example: “Hi, I’m Jessica. I’m a junior English major. I’m interested in editing and publishing. 我目前在世界事务委员会实习,负责社会事务 media for all of their events. I saw that your company is looking for a marketing intern. 你能告诉我你以前的实习生都做过什么项目吗 have completed?”

Informational Interviews

信息性面试是一种非正式的谈话,你可以和某人进行 is working in a field of your interest. Talking with people allows you to learn about different career paths and increase your connections. A lot of jobs and internships are gained through these connections. 

How to Prepare

  • Research the professional and their company.
  • Research their industry.
  • Review your experiences, interests, and skills. 
  • Develop a list of questions. 

提前几分钟到达,穿正式或商务休闲装. If the meeting 是虚拟的还是通过电话,事先找一个安静的地方并确保 your roommates know to be quiet. If you need a quiet place, reach out to our office if you’d like to reserve a private room on campus.

Send a thank you note: 
在两天之内,发送一封感谢邮件或便条,强调会议的价值 and referencing something specific the professional suggested. This keeps the door open for future exchanges. 

Develop a plan to stay in touch:
It is important to stay in touch with these contacts. Follow up every few months, 但这取决于你是否有实质性的东西要说. Substantial 更新可以包括:更新你的职业生涯,一篇有趣的文章, or even a season’s greeting. Not everyone will reciprocate, so do not take it personally if someone does not reply. Also create a database to keep track of contact information; 包括:姓名、谈话或后续行动的日期、结果和任何相关笔记. 

Questions you can ask


Always have questions prepared to ask recruiters. Here a few suggestions below: 

What projects are interns/employees currently working on? 
What’s a typical day like for an intern?
How did you land your current position?
What do you like best about your job or company?

UD Education 
How do you think your UD education helped you with your job?
How have you leveraged your liberal arts background?What was your first internship or job like? 
How did you decide to go to graduate school (if applicable)? 
Were you involved at UD? If so, how? 

Additional Questions 
What was the hardest adjustment for you after college? 
Did you end up where you thought you would post-graduation? 
What do you enjoy about your job now? 
How did you choose to work at the company you do now? 

Additional Tips!

Beware of Social Media

No one should judge you based on what’s on your Twitter or Instagram; however, people will judge you based on your Twitter and Instagram. To ensure that you put your best 接下来,我们整理了一份社交媒体技巧清单,供你使用. 

  • 调整你的隐私设置,知道什么是公开的,什么不是公开的.
  • Know what comes up when you search your name on Google.
  • Proactively untag yourself from photos you do not want public. 
  • 永远不要抱怨你的工作、老板、同事或学校的公开或全名 social media accounts. Be wary of sharing your personal views on social media, especially about hot button topics.

General Email Etiquette

Include the following: 

  • Saluatation (Greeting)
  • Purpose
  • Skill set/background summary
  • Attachment of resume (optional)
  • Call to action 

To: Gaby O’Neill

Subject Line: Summer 2024 Internship

Hello Ms. O’Neill, 

我叫Christina Nguyen,我们上次在云顶集团的招聘会上见过面 Thursday. 我们谈话的时候,你提到你会发布暑期实习的信息 soon and that I should email you my resume. I am still interested in the marketing 你提到的实习,现寄上简历供你考虑. You may give me a call at 972-721-5000. 

Thank you, 

Christina Nguyen

To: Angela Smith - Financial Analyst at ABC Company

Subject Line: Financial Analytics internship 

Hello Angela,

很高兴在您在大学主持的视频面试研讨会上与您交谈 of Dallas last week. 我决定申请2024年夏季金融分析实习 you recommended based on my background in data analytics. I attached my resume for review as you requested. Thank you again for your time. 



To: Gaby O'Neill

Hello Gaby, 

我是特拉华大学英语专业的大三学生,我看到你从特拉华大学毕业并获得了学位 English. 我希望你能在电话或会议上简短地谈谈 for a cup of coffee to discuss your professional path after UD? I’m interested in learning more about social media marketing. Any insight you could give me about your 如果能在全食超市谋得一份市场营销方面的工作,我将不胜感激!

Thank you for your time, 

Jonathan Roach

To: Jonathan Roach

Subject Line: Meet for Coffee? 

Hi Mr. Roach, 

我叫克里斯蒂娜·阮我们在土拨鼠的香槟早餐会上见过 Day a couple weeks ago. When we spoke, you suggested we meet for coffee so we can 谈谈你作为英语专业毕业生的职业道路,以及你是如何进入富达的. My 时间安排很灵活,我可以在星期一到星期四晚上开会. Please let me know what days and times work best for you. 

Thank you, 

Christina Nguyen


Why Use LinkedIn?

Regardless of your major, LinkedIn is a necessity in today’s world. It helps you establish 一个专业的存在,并开始建立你的专业网络. This is incredibly 这对获得工作、实习甚至志愿者机会都很重要 college and beyond. In basic terms, it is an online resume that allows recruiters and connections to find you based on your skills and experience. 

How to Create an Effective Profile


  • Your face should take up most of the photo
  • You should be dressed professionally
  • Do not use selfies or obvious photo filters
  • Experience should highlight specific outcomes or accomplishments
  • Education should highlight your major and relevant coursework
  • Attach links, files and media
  • 使用与你感兴趣的领域相关的目标关键词
  • Write clearly and concisely in first person
  • 强调你的目标/兴趣,因为它们与你的目标实习、工作或机会有关
  • Revise with the help of OPCD
  • Identify valuable skills by analyzing job listings
  • 列出在你申请的工作中经常出现的技能——除非你有这些技能
  • 评估你的简历中的软技能,把它们和硬的、可衡量的技能放在一起 skills.


How to Use LinkedIn


领英(Linkedin)旨在建立职业关系,优先考虑礼仪和更严格的要求 code of internet behavior compared to most social platforms. Follow these rules when 在领英上与同事、招聘人员和雇主沟通. 
一定要个性化你的信息,并清楚地表明你的意图在第一对 of sentences. 欲了解更多信息,您可以查看我们的网络部分,甚至 find templates for your use. 
找一些你认识的人,和他们有明确的联系,或者有一个令人信服的理由 should connect with you. You can send a message along with your request to connect. 如果你不认识你正在联系的人,你通常应该加上 a note explaining the connection. For example: “Hi Shannon, I am looking to connect with more English majors from UD!” 
最好向你认识或共事过的人寻求支持. You 可以问问同学、教授、以前的同事和主管吗. 

How to Succeed on LinkedIn

  • Join professional groups
  • Join alumni groups
  • Engage with your connections
  • Explore companies and look for people you have connections with
  • Talk to recruiters
  • Apply for jobs
  • 关注你感兴趣的公司和在你感兴趣的领域有影响力的人