职业学校- OPCD -云顶集团

Professional School (Law & Medical)

What are you interested in?

Law School

Is law school for me? 

  • Talk to practicing attorneys, intern at law firms or legal organizations, attend alumni 由OPCD组织的法律小组或工作中的影子律师. 

  • 确定你为什么想上法学院:

    • Do you want to make money? 并非所有律师的收入都一样. 

    • 你申请是因为其他人都在申请吗? 法学院很难,而且只针对个人 欲望和标准会帮助你成功.

    • Are you applying to law school because you feel like you have no career options? Contact OPCD, we'll help you out!

    • Do you know what your short and long term goals are and how a law degree can help you achieve them? 

  • 你真的想成为一名法律系学生吗? 

    • Are you willing to invest time, energy and (lots, and lots) of money associated with going to law school? 你彻底调查过这些费用了吗?

    • 你准备好把未来三年的大部分时间用来学习了吗?

    • Do you need a break from school? 

    • 你喜欢辩论吗?无论是口头辩论还是书面辩论? Are you able to read and digest 在短时间内获取大量信息? Can you synthesize information and identify implications quickly? 

    • Can you handle the ambiguity or not receiving a grad until the end of the semester or year? 

    • 你能接受仅仅根据曲线来评分和排名吗? 

Researching Law Schools 

  • 参加由OPCD赞助的校友法律小组 

  • Attend a LSAC sponsored Law School Forum to learn about a variety of law schools, the application process, the LSAT, financial 援助、多样性和法律职业. 

  • Use the law school link on the Law School Admission Council’s website to access detailed programs information such as courses, professors, costs, financial aid and application forms. 通常会提供云顶集团.

  • Conduct informational interviews with current law school students, professionals, and faculty in the law programs you are considering to gain insider information about programs. 

  • 如果可能的话,参观法学院,旁听课程. 

  • Network with other pre-law students and legal professionals by attending events hosted by Pre-Law organizations, and check with your local bar association to see if they 你有参与和/或加入的社交机会吗. 


Comparing Schools

  • Access Standard 509 Reports. The American Bar Association, Section of Legal Education, has up to date reports of all ABA approved schools. 这些报告包括学费、杂费、生活费等数据 expenses, GPA and LSAT scores, and grants and scholarships which can help you compare law schools before applying. 

Deciding Where to Apply

  • Admission considerations: It is a good idea to look at schools’ entering class profiles to see what their students’ average and mean LSAT scores and GPAs are and how your numbers align with them. 然而,不要仅仅依靠“数字”来选择潜力 schools; applicants with other strong qualities and/or accomplishments will be admitted 去学校,即使他们的人数低于平均水平. Schools are interested in students who demonstrate potential for success, which may not be reflected by their grades/scores. 由于招生决定是不可预测的,一个常见的策略是 is to use comparisons of your LSAT and GPA to recent entering classes to develop three lists of potential schools:
      • Dream schools that are a "stretch"
      • 你申请的核心学校将会很有竞争力
      • 你可能会被录取的安全学校
  • 学生和教师的多样性
  • Financial Considerations
  • 地点(你想在哪里开始实习? Is weather a factor for you? Do you need to be near your family?)
  • 您感兴趣的领域的课程的可用性
  • Career services and placement rates
  • 校园设施(住房、图书馆、教室)
  • 教员(法律培训、兴趣领域、可及性、多样性)
  • 课外活动(法律评论、模拟法庭、学生社团)
  • Academic programs (clinical opportunities, joint degree offerings, study abroad options)


Law School Timeline


  • 参加由OPCD赞助的校友法律小组. 
  • Continue exploring the legal field by reaching out to alumni and seeking out shadowing and internship opportunities. 
  • Obtain LSAT & CAS注册信息来自LSAC网站. 
  • Register for the June LSAT
  • 注册CAS -凭证组装服务
  • 留出3-6个月的时间准备LSAT考试
  • 考虑参加考试准备课程来帮助你准备LSAT考试
  • 开始索要推荐信. 
  • 开始收集有关法学院的信息. 
  • 和法学院的招生办公室合作,安排一次法学院的参观. You can request a tour of the school, get connected with a current student, or ask to sit in on a law school course. 
  • Finalize letters of recommendation 
  • 从UDallas注册处订购正式成绩单
  • Finalize personal statement; proofread statement by OPCD and advisors
  • Take October LSAT if necessary 
  • 向法学院申请经济援助信息
  • 在感恩节之前完成并发送入学申请
  • 联系法学院看看申请是否完成
  • 完成并提交财政援助材料
  • Evaluate admissions offers
  • 感谢写信的人,告诉他们你的计划.

Medical School

Is Medical School For Me? 

  • How will I pay for medical school?
    • 医学院学费昂贵,需要大量的财政投入. Many students 依靠贷款来资助他们的教育,最终可能会负债30多万美元. 
  • 我是否认识到等待开始职业生涯的价值? 
    • It takes a long time to become a doctor, especially for specific specialties. It can 成为一名医生需要11-15年的时间. 如果时间安排有点吓人,但是你 still passionate about medicine another healthcare field may be a better fit. 
  • 我能平衡医学院和我的个人生活吗? 
    • Pre-meds and students in medical school spend a lot of time studying, testing and working. This means social functions, friends and family, and other activities will need to be lower priorities. 
  • Do I work well as part of a team? 
    • The medical field attracts motivated and dedicated students; your peers will be just as driven and studious as you are. 学生们必须学会合作和庆祝 others. 
  • 是什么促使我去读医学院?
    • 想要“帮助别人”并不足以成为去医学院的理由. Students must enjoy the continuous learning and being prepared to deal with the hardships of the profession. 这是一项艰难而有益的职业,但并不适合所有人. 

Medical School Timeline 

*有关具体的申请截止日期,请参阅 AMCAS or AACOMAS websites.

Will you have a gap year? 如果你在期末申请,你将不会有间隔年 your junior year and are accepted. 如果你申请大四,你会有一个间隔年. Students who plan to take a gap year are able to gain more experience (research and 临床),也没有必要急于通过先决条件课程. This also allows more time to study for the MCAT. 

Medical School Timeline

*有关具体的申请截止日期,请参阅 AMCAS or AACOMAS websites.

Will you have a gap year? 如果你在期末申请,你将不会有间隔年 your junior year and are accepted. 如果你申请大四,你会有一个间隔年. Students who plan to take a gap year are able to gain more experience (research and 临床),也没有必要急于通过先决条件课程. This also allows more time to study for the MCAT. 

  • Make sure to register for an Interfolio Dossier.
  • Gather Letters of Recommendation and consider giving your letter writers this AAMC link regarding guidelines and suggestions.
  • 继续你的志愿者、工作或研究活动.
  • Prepare for the MCAT – Register and choose from approximately 20 dates but should not take later than April of the year that you submit your medical school application.
  • Attend various medical school admissions and application workshops, pre-med. conferences, graduate
    school fairs, etc.
  • Purchase and consult the 澳门特别行政区(医学院入学要求) 确认学校的具体要求. 要在线查看澳门特别行政区,您需要购买 access to it from AAMC. See the AAMC website for details.
  • 继续为申请过程节省资金.
  • Should be taking the MCAT or waiting for the release of your score from an earlier test date (April/May) but no MCAT after June unless you choose to delay your application. 之后的MCAT分数会让你在录取过程中处于不利地位.)
  • AMCAS application opens in May. 开始填写主要应用程序. Contact AMCAS directly for specific questions that are not found in their AMCAS Applicant Guide.
  • Order and collect official transcripts from ALL colleges and universities that you have attended.
  • 确认AMCAS和医学院的截止日期.
  • 专注于期末考试或如果是校友,继续工作,志愿者等
  • Make final decisions on which medical schools to apply to and submit the primary application. You are able to add more schools during and after your application has been verified.
  • 通过CalCentral发送官方成绩单到AMCAS. Be sure to send transcripts 从社区学院或其他学院的所有课程中.
  • Have letters of recommendation sent to AMCAS - check individual schools for specific criteria.
  • AMCAS验证主应用程序.
  • Medical school decisions regarding secondary applications begin to be forwarded to applicants (if invited to complete a secondary application, begin and submit sooner than later).
  • AMCAS verification process continues.
  • AMCAS notifies applicants of verified primary applications or problems with verification
  • Medical school decisions regarding secondary applications begin to be forwarded to applicants (if invited to complete a secondary application, begin and submit sooner than later).
  • 继续提交主要申请.
  • 继续完成并提交二次申请.
  • 申请人可能会开始收到面试邀请.
  • Prepare/attend interviews.
  • Continue to complete and submit secondary applications (check deadline dates).
  • 如果可以,请发送医学院申请更新.
  • Continue to check the medical school application status website for each individual medical school.
  • October–May of the Application Year
  • Medical school admissions committees meet and decide status: accept/reject/waitlist. Applicants notified
    • These will start going out in October but may take through May of the following year
  • 医学院举办“再看”或“录取周末”活动. Newly admitted applicants are invited to attend.
  • Newly admitted applicants must notify AMCAS and the medical school that they plan 在5月15日之前公布他们的决定.
  • Admits with multiple acceptances must choose one school by May 15th and withdraw their application from other schools.
  • Applicants on waitlists are notified of an admission offer (typically, medical schools 在六月底之前确认他们的班级).
  • 医学院新生报到,新学年开始. An applicant on a waitlist can no longer be offered a position at another school once orientation begins at a medical school.